Two-dimensional jet interaction flowfield predictions with an algebraic turbulence model
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Dhinagaran, R.
Bose, T. K.
Flowfields resulting from the transverse injection of two-dimensional sonic jets into a supersonic turbulent flow at a Mach number of 3.71 and a unit Reynolds number of 2.01 × l07/m are simulated numerically. Parameters varied comprise a range of jet to free stream total pressure ratios (0.083 < Pj/P0 < 0.51) and three different slot widths (W=0.5, 1 & 2 mm). The unsteady mass-averaged compressible Navier-Stokes equations are integrated in time to reach steady state using an explicit time-split finite volume scheme. Turbulence closure is achieved by the algebraic eddy viscosity model of Baldwin and Lomax (BL). Comparison is made with experimental and numerical data which employed a two-equation model with compressibility correction for turbulence simulation. Surface static pressure distributions, length of upstream separation and the penetration height are compared. Results show that the BL model can predict equally well the jet induced flow field for the range of parameters considered. Present study indicates that the downstream predictions with the BL model are better than that of the two-equation model.