Performance specifications for concrete construction in India: Are we ready?
Date Issued
Dhanya, B. S.
Indian Institute of Technology, Madras
A review of the traditional 'Vc +Vs' approach to shear design has been carried out with emphasis on the 45 degrees analogous truss and its shortcomings are highlighted. The salient features of the compression field theory and its development into the modified compression field theory (MCFT) are presented and simplified procedures for shear design using the MCFT are reviewed. A comparison of the shear reinforcement requirements obtained from the 'Vc +Vs' approach and the MCFT-based design method has been carried out with the help of an illustrative example and the former has been shown to give conservative predictions. The angle of the diagonal compressive stresses has been shown to be less than the value of 45 degrees assumed in the analogous truss. The interaction between flexure and shear, which is not explicitly considered in sectional design, has been shown to increase the tensile chord force with a corresponding reduction in the compressive chord force. The calculation of the diagonal compressive stresses and their role in the failure mechanism are highlighted.