Jet properties in PbPb and pp collisions at √sNN=5.02 TeV
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Sirunyan, A. M.
Tumasyan, A.
Adam, W.
Ambrogi, F.
Asilar, E.
Bergauer, T.
Brandstetter, J.
Brondolin, E.
Dragicevic, M.
Erö, J.
Escalante Del Valle, A.
Flechl, M.
Friedl, M.
Frühwirth, R.
Ghete, V. M.
Hrubec, J.
Jeitler, M.
Krammer, N.
Krätschmer, I.
Liko, D.
Madlener, T.
Mikulec, I.
Rad, N.
Rohringer, H.
Schieck, J.
Schöfbeck, R.
Spanring, M.
Spitzbart, D.
Taurok, A.
Waltenberger, W.
Wittmann, J.
Wulz, C. E.
Zarucki, M.
Chekhovsky, V.
Mossolov, V.
Suarez Gonzalez, J.
De Wolf, E. A.
Di Croce, D.
Janssen, X.
Lauwers, J.
Pieters, M.
Van De Klundert, M.
Van Haevermaet, H.
Van Mechelen, P.
Van Remortel, N.
Abu Zeid, S.
Blekman, F.
D’Hondt, J.
De Bruyn, I.
De Clercq, J.
Deroover, K.
Flouris, G.
Lontkovskyi, D.
Lowette, S.
Marchesini, I.
Moortgat, S.
Moreels, L.
Python, Q.
Skovpen, K.
Tavernier, S.
Van Doninck, W.
Van Mulders, P.
Van Parijs, I.
Beghin, D.
Bilin, B.
Brun, H.
Clerbaux, B.
De Lentdecker, G.
Delannoy, H.
Dorney, B.
Fasanella, G.
Favart, L.
Goldouzian, R.
Grebenyuk, A.
Kalsi, A. K.
Lenzi, T.
Luetic, J.
Seva, T.
Starling, E.
Vander Velde, C.
Vanlaer, P.
Vannerom, D.
Yonamine, R.
Cornelis, T.
Dobur, D.
Fagot, A.
Gul, M.
Khvastunov, I.
Poyraz, D.
Roskas, C.
Trocino, D.
Tytgat, M.
Verbeke, W.
Vermassen, B.
Vit, M.
Zaganidis, N.
Bakhshiansohi, H.
Bondu, O.
Brochet, S.
Bruno, G.
Modifications of the properties of jets in PbPb collisions, relative to those in pp collisions, are studied at a nucleon-nucleon center-of-mass energy of sNN=5.02 TeV via correlations of charged particles with the jet axis in relative pseudorapidity (Δη), relative azimuth (Δϕ), and relative angular distance from the jet axis Δr=(Δη)2+(Δϕ)2. This analysis uses data collected with the CMS detector at the LHC, corresponding to integrated luminosities of 404 μb−1 and 27.4 pb−1 for PbPb and pp collisions, respectively. Charged particle number densities, jet fragmentation functions, and jet shapes are presented as a function of PbPb collision centrality and charged-particle track transverse momentum, providing a differential description of jet modifications due to interactions with the quark-gluon plasma.