Mitesh Khapra
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Mitesh Khapra
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Mitesh Khapra
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Khapra, Mitesh M.
Khapra, Mitesh
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48 results
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- PublicationTowards building large scale multimodal domain-aware conversation systems(01-01-2018)
;Saha, Amrita; Sankaranarayanan, KarthikWhile multimodal conversation agents are gaining importance in several domains such as retail, travel etc., deep learning research in this area has been limited primarily due to the lack of availability of large-scale, open chatlogs. To overcome this bottleneck, in this paper we introduce the task of multimodal, domain-aware conversations, and propose the MMD benchmark dataset. This dataset was gathered by working in close coordination with large number of domain experts in the retail domain. These experts suggested various conversations flows and dialog states which are typically seen in multimodal conversations in the fashion domain. Keeping these flows and states in mind, we created a dataset consisting of over 150K conversation sessions between shoppers and sales agents, with the help of in-house annotators using a semi-automated manually intense iterative process. With this dataset, we propose 5 new sub-tasks for multimodal conversations along with their evaluation methodology. We also propose two multimodal neural models in the encode-attend-decode paradigm and demonstrate their performance on two of the sub-tasks, namely text response generation and best image response selection. These experiments serve to establish baseline performance and open new research directions for each of these sub-tasks. Further, for each of the sub-tasks, we present a 'per-state evaluation' of 9 most significant dialog states, which would enable more focused research into understanding the challenges and complexities involved in each of these states. - PublicationA dataset for building code-mixed goal oriented conversation systems(01-01-2018)
;Banerjee, Suman ;Moghe, Nikita ;Arora, SiddharthaThere is an increasing demand for goal-oriented conversation systems which can assist users in various day-to-day activities such as booking tickets, restaurant reservations, shopping, etc. Most of the existing datasets for building such conversation systems focus on monolingual conversations and there is hardly any work on multilingual and/or code-mixed conversations. Such datasets and systems thus do not cater to the multilingual regions of the world, such as India, where it is very common for people to speak more than one language and seamlessly switch between them resulting in code-mixed conversations. For example, a Hindi speaking user looking to book a restaurant would typically ask, “Kya tum is restaurant mein ek table book karne mein meri help karoge?” (“Can you help me in booking a table at this restaurant?”). To facilitate the development of such code-mixed conversation models, we build a goal-oriented dialog dataset containing code-mixed conversations. Specifically, we take the text from the DSTC2 restaurant reservation dataset and create code-mixed versions of it in Hindi-English, Bengali-English, Gujarati-English and Tamil-English. We also establish initial baselines on this dataset using existing state of the art models. This dataset along with our baseline implementations is made publicly available for research purposes. - PublicationAddressing Resource Scarcity across Sign Languages with Multilingual Pretraining and Unified-Vocabulary Datasets(01-01-2022)
;Gokul, N. C. ;Ladi, Manideep ;Negi, Sumit ;Selvaraj, Prem ;Kumar, PratyushThere are over 300 sign languages in the world, many of which have very limited or no labelled sign-to-text datasets. To address low-resource data scenarios, self-supervised pretraining and multilingual finetuning have been shown to be effective in natural language and speech processing. In this work, we apply these ideas to sign language recognition. We make three contributions. First, we release SignCorpus, a large pretraining dataset on sign languages comprising about 4.6K hours of signing data across 10 sign languages. SignCorpus is curated from sign language videos on the internet, filtered for data quality, and converted into sequences of pose keypoints thereby removing all personal identifiable information (PII). Second, we release Sign2Vec, a graph-based model with 5.2M parameters that is pretrained on SignCorpus. We envisage Sign2Vec as a multilingual large-scale pretrained model which can be fine-tuned for various sign recognition tasks across languages. Third, we create MultiSign-ISLR - a multilingual and label-aligned dataset of sequences of pose keypoints from 11 labelled datasets across 7 sign languages, and MultiSign-FS - a new finger-spelling training and test set across 7 languages. On these datasets, we fine-tune Sign2Vec to create multilingual isolated sign recognition models. With experiments on multiple benchmarks, we show that pretraining and multilingual transfer are effective giving significant gains over state-of-the-art results. All datasets, models, and code has been made open-source via the OpenHands toolkit. - PublicationTowards transparent and explainable attention models(01-01-2020)
;Mohankumar, Akash Kumar ;Nema, Preksha ;Narasimhan, Sharan; ;Srinivasan, Balaji VasanRavindran, BalaramanRecent studies on interpretability of attention distributions have led to notions of faithful and plausible explanations for a model's predictions. Attention distributions can be considered a faithful explanation if a higher attention weight implies a greater impact on the model's prediction. They can be considered a plausible explanation if they provide a human-understandable justification for the model's predictions. In this work, we first explain why current attention mechanisms in LSTM based encoders can neither provide a faithful nor a plausible explanation of the model's predictions. We observe that in LSTM based encoders the hidden representations at different time-steps are very similar to each other (high conicity) and attention weights in these situations do not carry much meaning because even a random permutation of the attention weights does not affect the model's predictions. Based on experiments on a wide variety of tasks and datasets, we observe attention distributions often attribute the model's predictions to unimportant words such as punctuation and fail to offer a plausible explanation for the predictions. To make attention mechanisms more faithful and plausible, we propose a modified LSTM cell with a diversity-driven training objective that ensures that the hidden representations learned at different time steps are diverse. We show that the resulting attention distributions offer more transparency as they (i) provide a more precise importance ranking of the hidden states (ii) are better indicative of words important for the model's predictions (iii) correlate better with gradient-based attribution methods. Human evaluations indicate that the attention distributions learned by our model offer a plausible explanation of the model's predictions. Our code has been made publicly available at https://github.com/akashkm99/Interpretable-Attention. - PublicationOn knowledge distillation from complex networks for response prediction(01-01-2019)
;Arora, Siddhartha; Recent advances in Question Answering have lead to the development of very complex models which compute rich representations for query and documents by capturing all pairwise interactions between query and document words. This makes these models expensive in space and time, and in practice one has to restrict the length of the documents that can be fed to these models. Such models have also been recently employed for the task of predicting dialog responses from available background documents (e.g., Holl-E dataset). However, here the documents are longer, thereby rendering these complex models infeasible except in select restricted settings. In order to overcome this, we use standard simple models which do not capture all pairwise interactions, but learn to emulate certain characteristics of a complex teacher network. Specifically, we first investigate the conicity of representations learned by a complex model and observe that it is significantly lower than that of simpler models. Based on this insight, we modify the simple architecture to mimic this characteristic. We go further by using knowledge distillation approaches, where the simple model acts as a student and learns to match the output from the complex teacher network. We experiment with the Holl-E dialog data set and show that by mimicking characteristics and matching outputs from a teacher, even a simple network can give improved performance. - PublicationRecovering from random pruning: On the plasticity of deep convolutional neural networks(03-05-2018)
;Mittal, Deepak ;Bhardwaj, Shweta; Ravindran, BalaramanRecently there has been a lot of work on pruning filters from deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs) with the intention of reducing computations. The key idea is to rank the filters based on a certain criterion (say, l1-norm, average percentage of zeros, etc) and retain only the top ranked filters. Once the low scoring filters are pruned away the remainder of the network is fine tuned and is shown to give performance comparable to the original unpruned network. In this work, we report experiments which suggest that the comparable performance of the pruned network is not due to the specific criterion chosen but due to the inherent plasticity of deep neural networks which allows them to recover from the loss of pruned filters once the rest of the filters are fine-tuned. Specifically, we show counter-intuitive results wherein by randomly pruning 25-50% filters from deep CNNs we are able to obtain the same performance as obtained by using state of the art pruning methods. We empirically validate our claims by doing an exhaustive evaluation with VGG-16 and ResNet-50. Further, we also evaluate a real world scenario where a CNN trained on all 1000 ImageNet classes needs to be tested on only a small set of classes at test time (say, only animals). We create a new benchmark dataset from ImageNet to evaluate such class specific pruning and show that even here a random pruning strategy gives close to state of the art performance. Lastly, unlike existing approaches which mainly focus on the task of image classification, in this work we also report results on object detection. We show that using a simple random pruning strategy we can achieve significant speed up in object detection (74% improvement in fps) while retaining the same accuracy as that of the original Faster RCNN model. - PublicationActive Evaluation: Efficient NLG Evaluation with Few Pairwise Comparisons(01-01-2022)
;Mohankumar, Akash KumarRecent studies have shown the advantages of evaluating NLG systems using pairwise comparisons as opposed to direct assessment. Given k systems, a naive approach for identifying the top-ranked system would be to uniformly obtain pairwise comparisons from all (k2 ) pairs of systems. However, this can be very expensive as the number of human annotations required would grow quadratically with k. In this work, we introduce Active Evaluation, a framework to efficiently identify the top-ranked system by actively choosing system pairs for comparison using dueling bandit algorithms. We perform extensive experiments with 13 dueling bandits algorithms on 13 NLG evaluation datasets spanning 5 tasks and show that the number of human annotations can be reduced by 80%. To further reduce the number of human annotations, we propose model-based dueling bandit algorithms which combine automatic evaluation metrics with human evaluations. Specifically, we eliminate sub-optimal systems even before the human annotation process and perform human evaluations only on test examples where the automatic metric is highly uncertain. This reduces the number of human annotations required further by 89%. In effect, we show that identifying the top-ranked system requires only a few hundred human annotations, which grow linearly with k. Lastly, we provide practical recommendations and best practices to identify the top-ranked system efficiently. Our code has been made publicly available at https://github.com/akashkm99/duelnlg. - PublicationAttend, adapt and transfer: Attentive deep architecture for adaptive transfer from multiple sources in the same domain(01-01-2017)
;Rajendran, Janarthanan; ;Ravindran, Balaraman ;Lakshminarayanan, Aravind S.Prasanna, P.Transferring knowledge from prior source tasks in solving a new target task can be useful in several learning applications. The application of transfer poses two serious challenges which have not been adequately addressed. First, the agent should be able to avoid negative transfer, which happens when the transfer hampers or slows down the learning instead of helping it. Second, the agent should be able to selectively transfer, which is the ability to select and transfer from different and multiple source tasks for different parts of the state space of the target task. We propose A2T (Attend, Adapt and Transfer), an attentive deep architecture which adapts and transfers from these source tasks. Our model is generic enough to effect transfer of either policies or value functions. Empirical evaluations on different learning algorithms show that A2T is an effective architecture for transfer by being able to avoid negative transfer while transferring selectively from multiple source tasks in the same domain. - PublicationComplex sequential question answering: Towards learning to converse over linked question answer pairs with a knowledge graph(01-01-2018)
;Saha, Amrita ;Pahuja, Vardaan; ;Sankaranarayanan, KarthikChandar, SarathWhile conversing with chatbots, humans typically tend to ask many questions, a significant portion of which can be answered by referring to large-scale knowledge graphs (KG). While Question Answering (QA) and dialog systems have been studied independently, there is a need to study them closely to evaluate such real-world scenarios faced by bots involving both these tasks. Towards this end, we introduce the task of Complex Sequential QA which combines the two tasks of (i) answering factual questions through complex inferencing over a realistic-sized KG of millions of entities, and (ii) learning to converse through a series of coherently linked QA pairs. Through a labor intensive semi-automatic process, involving in-house and crowdsourced workers, we created a dataset containing around 200K dialogs with a total of 1.6M turns. Further, unlike existing large scale QA datasets which contain simple questions that can be answered from a single tuple, the questions in our dialogs require a larger subgraph of the KG. Specifically, our dataset has questions which require logical, quantitative, and comparative reasoning as well as their combinations. This calls for models which can: (i) parse complex natural language questions, (ii) use conversation context to resolve coreferences and ellipsis in utterances, (iii) ask for clarifications for ambiguous queries, and finally (iv) retrieve relevant subgraphs of the KG to answer such questions. However, our experiments with a combination of state of the art dialog and QA models show that they clearly do not achieve the above objectives and are inadequate for dealing with such complex real world settings. We believe that this new dataset coupled with the limitations of existing models as reported in this paper should encourage further research in Complex Sequential QA. - PublicationImproving dialog evaluation with a multi-reference adversarial dataset and large scale pretraining(01-01-2020)
;Sai, Ananya B. ;Mohankumar, Akash Kumar ;Arora, SiddharthaThere is an increasing focus on model-based dialog evaluation metrics such as ADEM, RUBER, and the more recent BERT-based metrics. These models aim to assign a high score to all relevant responses and a low score to all irrelevant responses. Ideally, such models should be trained using multiple relevant and irrelevant responses for any given context. However, no such data is publicly available, and hence existing models are usually trained using a single relevant response and multiple randomly selected responses from other contexts (random negatives). To allow for better training and robust evaluation of model-based metrics, we introduce the DailyDialog++ dataset, consisting of (i) five relevant responses for each context and (ii) five adversarially crafted irrelevant responses for each context. Using this dataset, we first show that even in the presence of multiple correct references, n-gram based metrics and embedding based metrics do not perform well at separating relevant responses from even random negatives. While model-based metrics perform better than n-gram and embedding based metrics on random negatives, their performance drops substantially when evaluated on adversarial examples. To check if large scale pretraining could help, we propose a new BERT-based evaluation metric called DEB, which is pretrained on 727M Reddit conversations and then finetuned on our dataset. DEB significantly outperforms existing models, showing better correlation with human judgments and better performance on random negatives (88.27% accuracy). However, its performance again drops substantially when evaluated on adversarial responses, thereby highlighting that even large-scale pretrained evaluation models are not robust to the adversarial examples in our dataset. The dataset1 and code2 are publicly available.